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A Critical History and Philosophy of Psychology

by  Richard T. G. Walsh, Thomas Teo, Angelina Baydala, Tony Walsh (Illustrator)

ISBN-10: 0521691265

ISBN-13: 9780521691260


Book Specs


Trade Paper


Cambridge University Press

Published on  

Mar 20, 2014


1st Edition


7.44x1.45x9.69 Inches


3.40 Pounds

About the Book

In line with the British Psychological Society's recent recommendations for teaching the history of psychology, this comprehensive undergraduate textbook emphasizes the philosophical, cultural and social elements that influenced psychology's development. The authors demonstrate that psychology is both a human (i.e. psychoanalytic or phenomenological) and natural (i.e. cognitive) science, exploring broad social-historical and philosophical themes such as the role of diverse cultures and women in psychology, and the complex relationship between objectivity and subjectivity in the development of psychological knowledge. The result is a fresh and balanced perspective on what has traditionally been viewed as the collected achievements of a few 'great men'. With a variety of learning features, including case studies, study questions, thought experiments and a glossary, this new textbook encourages students to critically engage with chapter material and analyze themes and topics within a social, historical and philosophical framework.