Using PageMaker for the PCby Martin S. Matthews, Carole B. MatthewsISBN-100078814227ISBN-139780078814228 PublisherMcGraw HillPublished on May 1, 1988Edition2nd EditionBindingTrade PaperDimensions- x - x - InWeight- PoundsList Price$22.95About the Book No books found. No books found. Goodreads reviews
Using PageMaker for the PCby Martin S. Matthews, Carole B. MatthewsISBN-100078814227ISBN-139780078814228 PublisherMcGraw HillPublished on May 1, 1988Edition2nd EditionBindingTrade PaperDimensions- x - x - InWeight- PoundsList Price$22.95About the Book No books found. No books found. Goodreads reviews