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Newcastle United vs Sunderland

by  Paul Days

ISBN-10: 0857331787

ISBN-13: 9780857331786


Book Specs


Trade Paper


Haynes Manuals

Published on  

Sep 1, 2012


st Edition


-x-x- Inches


- Pounds

About the Book

It's 1639, King Charles I is on the throne of England and is about to make a grave error of judgment that would lead to his death in 1649 after an armed struggle with both Parliament and the Scots; commonly known as the English Civil War. Far from London, in the North East of England, two rival communities, Newcastle and Sunderland, become entangled in the conflict and are on a collision course over industrial might that would lead to The Battle Of Boldon Hill in 1644. Nearly 400 years later that battle is still being enacted, primarily on the football fields of St James Park and The Stadium of Light, with two tribes in conflict, competing for an upper hand, in a war that cannot be won, ever. Rivals; Classic Tyne and Wear Derby Games tells the social, historical and sporting tale of perhaps the fiercest rivalry in Association Football, Newcastle United v Sunderland.